Vastu Shastra principles are vital for the dental clinic to ensure a patient’s good health. These principles are significant for inviting optimism and favourable development of the admitted patients. Vastu for dental clinic majorly affects the clinic areas, such as the alignment of the room and the clinic’s entrance, including plot size. Besides, the Vastu principles are also responsible for creating a positive environment. The cosmic forces that surround us are believed to influence the healing stages of the patients greatly.
Vastu experts believe that hospitals and dental clinics harbour the negative energy that comes from patients and sick individuals. The energy tends to persist on the premises and may affect other patients and doctors. Vastu principles help withdraw the negative energy. Throw the negative energy outside the premises and invite the positive energy to circulate throughout the space. The positive energy is responsible for creating a calming effect over the mind and body of the patients and the workforce.
Let us discuss some of the tips associated with the Vastu for a dental clinic.
Importance of Vastu for dental clinic
We all know that these principles are responsible for inviting fortune and positive energy into space. Therefore, we need to take the advantages of such steps to bring prosperity and contentment to every heart and home. It is also believed that according to Vastu for dental clinic, the most appropriate direction for all the suspicious locations is south-west or south direction. You can also decide on a west direction for the same purpose.
Another important fact reveals that the patient should face either in the northeast or east direction when we are diagnosed. Avoid the blue and black colours for the doctor of the dental clinic. Such colours are responsible for creating depressing situations. They never invite positive energy and have a bad impact on the present condition of a patient. Try not to keep these colours even for the carpets and mats.
Deciding the colour of the rooms of the dental clinic
People considered the medical rules as the most depressing rooms. It is all because of the presence of diseases, medicines, and patients. But Vastu Shastra has a great solution for removing such a notion. You can definitely make the interiors more engaging and aesthetic by applying the tips of Vastu for dental clinic.
If you discuss the interior of the rooms, we can be selective with the colour coding. The colours are to be selected, keeping in mind the patients’ mental and social health and doctors. You can choose inspiring and bright colours such as lighter shades of blue, pink, green, and yellow.
The interior decor makes the patients enthusiastic and happy. It is also responsible for inspiring them at regular intervals of time. This helps in their speedy recovery. Also, decorate the walls of the room by hanging inspirational and happy paintings. You can also hang a small temple to create auspiciousness. The cheerful photographs are responsible for bringing liveliness to the room. Always avoid darker shades of black, violet, and grey. They invite negative energy and make the interiors dark and depressing.
How to arrange the furniture inside the dental clinic?
According to Vastu for dental clinic, every object present in the universe is believed to emit some kind of energy. According to Vastu guidelines, if you are successful in managing the objects inside the dental clinic, fortune is sure to come. Moreover, Vastu experts highly recommend that the clinic’s northwest corner is most appropriate for keeping the examination table.
When the doctor examines the patient, the patient should keep the head in the eastern direction. Also, at that time, his legs should be aligned in the western direction. The most appropriate place for keeping the furniture pieces is either the south or west corner of the room. Besides, you can avoid the irregular shapes of the furniture such as triangular or oval. Try to keep the furniture of rectangular or square shape. This helps in eliminating negative energy to a great extent.
That should be a necessary gap between the pieces of furniture of about 3 inches. This is done to ensure your swift energy flow throughout the rooms. The central portion of the dental clinic should be obstruction-free. There is a specific direction for the beds of the patients. According to Vastu, the south-west direction is the most appropriate one. If you have more tables inside the room, you can keep them in the north or eastern corner.
Locating the room of the doctor inside the clinic
Vastu for dental clinic suggests the appropriate location for the doctor’s room is south direction. You can also keep the south-west direction for the same. Such arrangements help in boosting the level of concentration of the doctors.
The casual words for the patient should be in the southeast or west direction. Ensure that the patient’s face in the northeast direction while they are examined. These principles are helpful in incremental the patience level of the dentists. With these tips, doctors learn more about the patients’ queries, and so, they can diagnose them in a better way.
Selecting the colours for the doctor’s chair
The colour of the dental chair is of vital importance as per Vastu principles. The colours such as red and black are expected to invite negative energy on the premises. So, you have to select colours such as cream, beige or brown.
These colours have a cooling impact on the environment. Responsible for representing life with full smiles. Always avoid darker shades of colours. The darker shades are accountable for creating a darker environment. You can follow the same colour coding for the rooms’ walls as per Vastu for dental clinic.
Parting tips:
It’s wise to follow these Vastu for dental clinic tips for the prosperity of the dental clinic. You can also hire a vastu consultant to customise your dental clinic as per vastu.
Have a few tips to share with us? Comment below.