Elders, do you remember your school days? Have your teachers made you do sit-ups in front of the whole class? As far as I remember, in the olden days, doing sit-ups were the favourite punishment of teachers as well as the parents. The moment you do something wrong, you are told to do 10 of it. Well, we never knew then that it was not a punishment. Do you know that there is some scientific reason behind doing sit up too? In this excerpt, we will look at the reason behind and the health benefits of doing sit-ups as well.
The Scientific Reason
Have you ever thought that doing sit-up would have some science behind it? Well, it does. Whenever you do it, the blood circulation increases to the memory centre of the brain. The more you do it, the much powerful the memory becomes. That’s why your teachers ask you to do it as a form of punishment. This way, you would remember your past mistakes correctly and never repeat them.
An Old Practice
Most of the time, we continue following the things our parents taught us. Doing sit-ups in front of God is one of them. Our ancestors did the same, so why shouldn’t we follow? Whenever we commit a sin, we do sit-ups in front of God as a form of apologising. Just like many other rituals, we haven’t questioned this practice.
Health-Related Benefits of Doing Sit-Ups
Several studies say that when we hold our ears with different hands, the co-ordination between the left and right part of the brain increases. This results in Alpha waves. Alpha waves, as we have studied, reduce tension, stress and improves immunity. It keeps the mind calm and improves brain function. The Indian mythologies mention these many reasons behind doing sit-ups in front of God. It is okay to commit sins, but we must ask for forgiveness with all our heart from our creator.