Let us look at the Green emerald gemstone benefits, in this article. The emerald is made of aluminium and beryllium. Emerald is a green-coloured gemstone that belongs to the beryl family. It isn’t easy to find a flawless emerald, making this gemstone very rare. Many emeralds have a feather-like crack or inclusions. It is hard to find an emerald with a rich, transparent green color, high specific gravity, velvety reflection, and high specific gravity. They all have the same chemical components, except chromic oxide, which gives emerald its distinctive green color. An emerald stone benefits the wearer by activating the positives of planet Mercury.
Vedicology recommends astrological gems only through the “Anukul Graha” concept. “Anukul Graha method explains that Gem selection should be made only after a careful analysis of the lordship of houses and strength of the planets in the native’s horoscope.
Gemstone Emerald – Qualities Of A Good Emerald
- A good quality Emerald has a rich green, homogenous colour that is deep and pleasant. The lustre, shine, and brilliance of a good quality green emerald bestow positive effects. It is better to check for the following while purchasing an emerald.
- The lustre and shine , brilliance in all types of light and shades
- It has a Velvety reflection, a soothing finish, touch and a pleasant sight that captures the heart. Fine cut that illuminates from all sides. A good emerald should be transparent, without dust, pure like a drop on a lotus Leaf, and shed luster in every direction when placed on the palm in direct sunlight.
- A green emerald gemstone has a luminous quality that is as bright as the sun and shines like Mercury. It has a specific gravity of 2.65 to 2.75, hardness between 7.50 and 8, and a refractive index of 1.56 to 1.59.
Gemstone Emerald Flaws Of Emeralds
The following flaws in the green Emerald can cause difficulties for the wearer of the Gemstone.
- Brittleness, Lack of water, mica particles glitter, the presence of a hole, Fissure in the Surface, a lack of inner glow; dullness, Unevenness in color, Grains, odd form, flatness, unevenness, depression.
- It is advisable not to wear one that has spots of black color, visible lines, cobweb, uneven colors etc. Green emerald gemstone that does not have flaws confer maximum benefits.
- Wearing a flawed emerald will cause harm to family, pets and cattle, health, intelligence and vitality.
However, if Mercury is in the first house with Rahu Mars Saturn Ketu or Saturn, then one can wear an Emerald with Flaws and receive benefic results.
Identification Real Emeralds
- A real green emerald stone benefits the user and can emit green light when placed in a glass container filled with water, while imitations do not.
- A real emerald placed on a piece of white cloth so that it can reflect light, it will reflect green light. The spot where the light falls appears like a green patch.
- Emeralds can be placed on the eyes to give a cooling sensation, while imitations quickly become warm.
- A fake emerald rubbed against a turmeric root, does not make the turmeric turn red.
- A drop of water on real gemstones retains its form and doesn’t spread like water. The drop does not get damaged by moving or inverting it, but an imitation does. It spreads like water and does not stay a drop.
- Rub the imitation against a piece of wood and it will shine more than the real thing.
- White spots can be seen in imitations. An imitation green emerald gemstone is brighter than a natural emerald and does not confer any benefits to the wearer. An imitation has a lower specific gravity than a real emerald.
Different types of green Emerald gemstones
Brahmin: Brahmin ican wear an emerald in the color of the sirish. It is suitable for spiritually inclined and learned people.
Kshatriya: A deep-green emerald, like a blade or grass, is the best for rulers.
Vaishya can wear an emerald with a yellowish-green color, similar to a parrot, that is most suitable for merchants, businessmen and traders.
Shudra: A dark-green emerald stone is the best for those who belong to the service class.
These colors are not the only ones available for emeralds. They also come in a green colour similar to peacock feathers. This colour is good for financial gain, and is, therefore auspicious and beneficial for traders and merchants.
We conduct a benefit analysis of your planets through the shadbala system. Gemstone suggestion for the most beneficial planet is provided. This is called the Anukul Graha concept.
Vedicology provides Vedic Astrology, Numerology, Vastu Shastra and Gemology consultations. We offer our services to clients across the world. Vedicology Senior Consultants are scholars in Sanatana dharma scriptures dating back to the Vedic era.
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